I'm a big fan of Vue.js and Nuxt.js to write well-organized code. It's great to see junior developers getting on board really quick! As a senior developer, I often work on QS and code reviews. Other areas of my daily work include:
- Technical concepts
- Performance optimization
- JAMStack with Headless CMS
- Accessibility
- Research and prototyping
- Test automation
Technologies I mainly use include HTML5, CSS3, CSS Grid + Flexbox, Javascript ES6+, Typescript, GSAP, Node.js, and Git.
Industry experience
- Since 2021: Senior Frontend Developer at Zavvy GmbH
- 2017 - 2021: Head of Web Development at Jung von Matt / NECKAR
- Before, I was freelancing as a Web developer for nearly 10 years, starting in 2009.
For my full CV, please contact me at mail@oemueller.de.
On my list to learn
- Blender
- More of Three.js and WebGL Shaders